Tag Archives: forgiveness



I have a nasty habit of writing blog posts and never publishing them.  Out of fear, mostly – fear of being exposed and vulnerable.  I know this is the enemy gaining control, and unfortunately he has been winning in this area.  Let me preface this post by stating I am not qualified to give anyone advice;  please know I am only speaking from my personal experiences.

What are your New Years resolutions? What are you adding to your already hectic life?

More exercise?
More fruits and veggies?
More date nights with your special someone?

While these are all admirable resolutions, this year I am resolving to lose the fears the enemy has put in my head, to take away the enemy’s control over so many aspects of my life.  I know from experience that discernment, honesty, and forgiveness are the tools I will need to make this a reality.

I could reserve the entire year of 2012 to write about forgiveness.  The power of forgiveness has impacted my life beyond words.  I thank the Lord for His forgiveness of my sins- past, present, and those I will most surely commit in the future.  I also thank Him for softening my heart to allow me to forgive those who have hurt me.

Throughout my life, I’ve learned (the very hard way) that my inability to forgive has an unimaginable ripple effect.  I am positive it has affected people I have never and may never meet in my lifetime.  That’s how powerful it is.  I negatively affect someone with my anger, and that person carries it to someone they care for, and so on and so forth.

Thinking about it can be entirely overwhelming.

While I could dwell on how many relationships were poisoned with my inability to forgive, instead I choose to focus on the moments of charity in which I gained the ability to forgive, and how quickly I should make that decision in the future.

Discernment and honesty have also been key pieces to heal any brokeness in my life (Do not think I am in any way completely healed; while I have worked tirelessly to heal my wounds, a deep-rooted scar can sneak up on me when I least expect it).  Discernment is crucial for me when determining when the enemy is trying to destroy me and my relationship with Christ.  Having trustworthy individuals in my life is also imperative.  I trust them with my life, because my life depends on their ability to be honest with me.   These individuals were able to, and are still able to, tell me when I’m believing the enemy’s lies as opposed to the truth.  And He.Is.The.Truth.

These are the times when I hit my knees to the floor, and bow my head to the ground and repent like never before.

So now I must ask… In what areas of your life does the enemy control you?  Please don’t answer this question with the first statement that comes to mind.  Instead, get on your knees, forehead to the ground, and seek it out from the Father.  Be honest with yourself.  Then share your answer with someone you trust to keep you honest.  Then forgive.

I know this post was heavy, but I couldn’t let the enemy gain any more power over my life!  My resolution for 2012 is to practice discernment so in the end, the enemy will wish he never messed with me.  I hope the same for you as well.